
This documentation represents the collective experience and understanding of ACI-REF participants; however, we recognize that our experiences are not comprehensive or authoritative. We welcome responses, suggestions and contributions to this material, to make it fully representative of the research support community it describes.

Before contributing, we recommend that you read the Introduction in order to understand the purpose and method behind this documentation.

This website is hosted through GitHub. The main chapters are in the top-level folder named “activities”. The pages are generated from plain-text Markdown (.md) files for easy editing. See GitHub’s tutorial on Mastering Markdown for help with Markdown.

For those familiar with GitHub, we encourage you to fork the “facilitation-best-practices” repository to your own GitHub account (required) and start writing. To merge your changes, submit a “New pull request”.

As an example, to edit the Chapter on Engagement in your GitHub account:

  • Select the folder named “activities” and then the page named “”.
  • Select the pen icon (‘Edit this file’) to convert the web page to an editable text file.
  • Edit and preview your changes. When you are happy with the results, select “Commit changes” (bottom of page) to commit the changes directly to your default “gh-pages” branch.
  • Select “New pull request” and review the differences. When you are ready to merge your changes, select “Create pull request”, add a comment about the changes you made, and submit a final “Create pull request”.

Alternatively, you can open a “New issue” and send your suggestion that way. (Select the “issues” tab, leave a comment, and submit “Submit new issue”.) A GitHub account is required to submit an issue.

For those less familiar with GitHub, or who are hesitant to contribute to a public document you can use the form below to discuss your desired contribution.