Facilitation Data Collection

This page contains a list of data categories gathered from the Leading Practices of Facilitation with the goal that individual institutions, sites, and centers collect data in these categories for evaluation of their own programs and impact.

You can access spreadsheets that have been pre-populated with these data categories in two ways:

Category Definitions

Quantitative Metrics

Categories for tracking quantitative data related to facilitation activities.

meetingsgeneral/totalnumber of researchers with in-person facilitator engagement
meetingsinitialnumber of researchers with initial facilitator engagement (e.g. new accounts, new group, first time having an individual meeting)
meetingsfollow-upnumber of researchers with ongoing facilitator engagement (e.g. after first meeting)
meetingsassistance/office-hoursnumber of researchers who attended office hours or received other in-person assistance
email/ticketsupdatednumber of updated tickets/email threads during the month
email/ticketsclosednumber of resolved or closed tickets/email threads during the month
trainingsessionsnumber of training sessions
trainingattendeestotal number of attendees across training sessions
traininghoursnumber of hours of training offered
trainingattendee-hoursnumber of hours spent by attendees in training (ex: 6 people at a 2 hour workshop is 12 attendee-hours)
outreachsessionsnumber of outreach (presentation) activities
outreachattendeestotal number of attendees at outreach activities
accountsnewly-creatednumber of new user accounts (for new users with hours, see users/new)
accountsnew-projectsnumber of new projects with accounts
usersnewnumber of new users with compute hours or use of resources
usersallnumber of users with hours
usersdomainnumber of users with hours by domain
departmentsallnumber of departments represented by users with hours
departmentsdomainnumber of departments represented by users with hours, by domain
hoursallnumber of hours supported
hoursdomainnumber of hours supported by domain

Stories Table

Categories for recording noteworthy researcher/user stories, interventions, publications, or feedback.

storyNotable user story or interaction
quoteQuote or "love note" from user
pressUniversity or other press release
publicationPublication information from researcher who used your resources / benefited from facilitators
presentation/posterPoster or presentation by a researcher who used your resources / benefited from facilitators

Activities Table

Categories for recording general facilitation activities. Note that "external" is outside your institution and "internal" is on-campus or within institution.

externalconference-participationname of conferences attended
externalpresentation/panelpresentations at conferences or meetings
externalservice/collaborationparticipation in non-conference community events outside your campus (e.g. campus champion calls or emails)
internaltrainingtraining for local users
internaloutreachoutreach on campus (e.g. include visiting a class, presentations, resource fairs, developing materials)
internaldocumentationsignificant user guide or documentation efforts
internalteam-projectsinvolvement with projects of your group/center (testing, new service)
internalcollaborationscollaborations or meetings with researchers and/or research-supporting units
pro-devellearningprofessional development opportunities